Best Summer Ever

On our way to having the best summer (or spring or autumn or winter) EVER......

Thursday, February 08, 2007

BEST the Artist EVER

I know several days have passed since the biggest NFL game of the year, but...
CONGRATULATIONS TO PEYTON & COMPANY on a spectacular season! I am so happy to see my hometown boys win it all!

Other than my enthusiasm with the Colts' win, there is not much more to report. The commercials did not live up to the hype that is the Super Bowl, except of course, the K-Fed Nationwide commercial that everybody had heard of weeks in advance. Just as an aside, did anyone else notice that it was shown right after a Fed-Ex commercial? How convenient.

Other than the actual game and the commercials, what else is there to speak of? The half-time show.

Ahhh, the half-time show. A few years after the infamous Janet/Justin duet, there was little left to expose on national television. Prince (or is it "the artist formally known as Prince"? or maybe just "the Artist"???), however, had something up his turquoise & tangerine sleeve. Everybody watching the show marvelled at his ability to perform flawlessly during the rainstorm that poured onto the stage. Although the show was pretty tame, considering this is the same performer that brought us such classics as "Cream" and "Get Off," he unveiled his surprise during my personal favorite, Purple Rain.

So Prince is nearing the end of his set, and he disappears behind an enormous sheet or screen, allowing objects to appear larger than they are. Soon he begins rocking his guitar solo, at least, I think it was his "guitar." Let's just say, not much was left to the imagination to recognize the gratuitous vision Prince had slipped into the show. If you thought the GoDaddy commercials exposed a lot about the female anatomy, Prince went above and beyond the call of duty when displaying a certain anatomical part of the male!

Some things never change. Long live the Prince!


  • At 9:19 PM , Blogger TSH said...

    Having had significant experience with the male anatomy, I must say that silhouetted image resembles nothing I've seen before (both in it's duality, extent, and morphology).

  • At 8:26 AM , Blogger Ph said...

    I have no idea what Terrance just wrote, but I agree.

    I would also like to point out that until the 1984 season, the Colts were actually MY hometown boys...

  • At 9:30 AM , Blogger emmmmm said...

    Tsh, point taken, this photo did not quite capture the image shown during the show. Mark my words, during Purple Rain, the image resembled everything you have seen before (in duality, extent, and morphology).

    Ph, sorry about the Colts. Don't hate.

  • At 12:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yeah. I noticed that too! I think it was a little shout-out to Janet... Or maybe just the maker of his guitar... who may have been giving a shout out to his own personal family jewels.

    Family-friendly TV? It's a phallacy! (tee hee) (kelly) (who is pissed in her own right because the new blogger is such a dud.)

  • At 4:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I don't know what you all are talking about, it's what I look like when I'm in the shower if I don't use the right body scrub.(get it, 'Axe' , ...oh never mind.)

    go Baltimore Colts indeed !


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